Izinto ezicetyiswayo ziza kubonakala emva kokubhala kwindawo yokukhangela. Sebenzisa iaro enyukayo nehlayo ukuze uwahlole. Sebenzisa iqhosha elingu-enter ukuze uyikhethe. Ukuba ukhethe amabinzana, loo mabinzana ngawo aza kukhangelwa. Ukuba ucetyiswa ngelinki, ibhrawza iza kuya kwelo phepha.
Indlela yokuyenza

Lungisa iinkcukacha zondwendwe Kwinto yakho Enokonwatyelwa oyibhukishileyo

You can make sure that the guests included on your Experience reservation have all the exciting details they need by adding their names and email addresses. They’ll get an email invitation that has instructions on how to prepare for and attend the Experience.

If you’d like to change the number of guests on your Experience reservation, find out how to change your reservation.

Ukufaka iinkcukacha zondwendwe

Ukuze ufake iinkcukacha zondwendwe Kwinto yakho Enokonwatyelwa oyibhukishileyo:

  1. Yiya kwindawo ethi Uhambo uze ucofe Kwinto Enokonwatyelwa ofuna ukuyitshintsha
  2. Cofa indawo ethi Veza iinkcukacha
  3. Cofa indawo ethi Lawula iindwendwe
  4. Faka igama nedilesi yeimeyile yondwendwe uze ucofe indawo ethi Mema

Ukususa iinkcukacha zondwendwe

Ukuze ususe iinkcukacha zondwendwe Kwinto yakho Enokonwatyelwa oyibhukishileyo:

  1. Yiya kwindawo ethi Uhambo uze ucofe Kwinto Enokonwatyelwa ofuna ukuyitshintsha
  2. Cofa indawo ethi Veza iinkcukacha, uze ucofe ethi Lawula iindwendwe
  3. Ecaleni kondwendwe ofuna ukulususa, cofa indawo ethi Susa
  4. Cofa indawo ethi Susa ukuze uqinisekise

Eli nqaku likuncedile?

Amanqaku asondele kweli

Fumana uncedo ngokubhukisha kwakho, ngeakhawunti yakho, nangokunye.
Ngena kwiakhawunti okanye uvule iakhawunti