Enye inkcazelo iguqulelwe ngokuzenzekelayo. Veza ulwimi lokuqala

Iindawo eziqeshisayo zeholide ezilungele abantwana eHesperange

Fumana uze ubhukishe iindawo eziqeshisayo nezikhethekileyo ezibalungeleyo abantwana kuAirbnb

Iphepha le-1 kwayi-3
Iphepha le-1 kwayi-3

Izinto ezinokusetyenziswa ezithandwayo zeendawo eziqeshisayo ezilungele abantwana eHesperange

Izindlu eziqeshisayo ezibalungeleyo abantwana


Indlu e-Consdorf, Luxembourg

4.86 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-123

Indlu entle ejikelezwe ziindlela zokunyuka intaba

22–29 Nov

YiR3 286 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Indlu e-Trier, Germany

4.98 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-242

Indlu ephilayo yasemaphandleni, i-idyll ethe cwaka kufuphi neSixeko, iParkpl.

8–15 Jan

YiR1 974 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Indlu e-Wiltingen, Germany

4.98 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-131

I-Haus Rosenberg kwisidiliya kunye negadi kunye nembono

20–27 Dis

YiR1 708 ZAR ngosuku

Indlu e-Ernzen, Germany

4.9 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-112

Indlu yakudala ye-forester kunye ne-alpacas

1–8 Epr

YiR12 523 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Indlu e-Trier, Germany

4.91 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-188

I-FELSENHAUS kunye nokubukwa ngaphaya kwe-Trier

5–12 Jan

YiR1 880 ZAR ngosuku

Indlu e-Rettel, France

4.88 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-250

indlu enkulu 160 m2 kwilali encinci entle

31 Aga – 7 Sep

YiR3 232 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Indlu e-Étain, France

5.0 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-23


9–16 Mat

YiR2 092 ZAR ngosuku

Indlu e-Sandweiler, Luxembourg

4.83 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-6

Beautiful 4BR House with Jacuzzi

26–31 Mey

YiR8 209 ZAR ngosuku

Iiflethi okanye izindlu ekwicomplex eziqeshisayo ezilungele abantwana

Ithandwa zindwendwe

Iflethi okanye indlu ekwi-complex e-Echternacherbrück, Germany

4.94 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-118

<Skandi Home>Iflethi • Ikhitshi eliphezulu • kufutshane nomda •P•

9–16 Jan

YiR2 238 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Iflethi okanye indlu ekwi-complex e-Manom, France

4.94 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-119

Iflethi esembindini welali yaseManom

26 Sep – 3 Okt

YiR847 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Iflethi okanye indlu ekwi-complex e-Igel, Germany

4.92 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-183

I-Trier - i-Igel - e-Luxembourg

9–16 Aga

YiR1 182 ZAR ngosuku

Iflethi okanye indlu ekwi-complex e-Luxembourg, Luxembourg

4.85 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-125

I-Central Studio

26 Jul – 2 Aga

YiR2 713 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Iflethi okanye indlu ekwi-complex e-Folkendange, Luxembourg

4.85 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-265

I-Natur Oasis

4–11 Jun

YiR1 950 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Iflethi okanye indlu ekwi-complex e-Luxembourg, Luxembourg

5.0 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-6

Cozy and bright 1 bedroom apartment in Bonnevoie

4–11 Mey

YiR2 320 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Iflethi okanye indlu ekwi-complex e-Roeser, Luxembourg

5.0 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-22

Indlu ekuthiwa yi-Sunset Penthouse yale mihla

30 Jan – 6 Feb

YiR2 504 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Iflethi okanye indlu ekwi-complex e-Luxembourg, Luxembourg

4.88 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-8

Beautiful & bright flat with a big garden

15–22 Aga

YiR2 190 ZAR ngosuku

Iiflethi eziqeshisayo nezibalungeleyo abantwana

Ithandwa zindwendwe

Iflethi e-Porcelette, France

4.82 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-138


24–31 Jul

YiR689 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Iflethi e-Kédange-sur-Canner, France

4.92 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-109

Kufuphi neCattenom, iflethi okanye indlu ekwicomplex enamagumbi ayi-2 endlwini

12–19 Mey

YiR1 271 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Iflethi e-Metz, France

4.89 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-147

Iphindwe kabini entle embindini weMetz.

23 Feb – 2 Mat

YiR1 599 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Iflethi e-Metz, France

4.98 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-130

Appartement paisible en plein centre du vieux Metz

1–8 Aga

YiR1 449 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Iflethi e-Val de Briey, France

4.91 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-113

Iflethi okanye indlu ekwicomplex enamagumbi okulala amathathu, kumgangatho ophezulu

12–19 Feb

YiR1 406 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Iflethi e-Metz, France

4.89 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-126

Iflethi okanye indlu ekwicomplex entle kwiziko lembali laseMetz

9–16 Dis

YiR1 537 ZAR ngosuku
Ithandwa zindwendwe

Iflethi e-Metz, France

4.97 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-130

🌳 I-120M yezinto eziluhlaza noxolo 🐦

4–11 Jul

YiR1 578 ZAR ngosuku

Iflethi e-Metz, France

4.9 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-109

Yonke iflethi okanye indlu ekwicomplex itofotofo

30 Aga – 6 Sep

YiR1 265 ZAR ngosuku

Ushwankathelo lwamanani olufutshane lweendawo eziqeshisayo zeholide ezilungele abantwana eHesperange

  • Iindawo eziqeshisayo xa zizonke

    Izindlu eziyi-20

  • Izinto ezinokuzisetyenziswa ezithandwayo

    IIkhitshi, neI-Wifi, kunye neIchibi

  • Ukufumaneka kwe-wifi

    Izindlu eziyi-10 zine-wifi

  • Iindawo eziqeshisayo ezineendawo ezikhethekileyo zokusebenzela

    Izindlu eziyi-10 zinendawo elungiselelwe ukusebenzela kuyo

  • Inani elipheleleyo lezimvo

    Izimvo eziyi-1K

  • Ixabiso losuku liqala kwi

    YiR752 ZAR ngaphambi kwerhafu nezinye iimali ezimele zibhatalwe